「Yangtze River」熱門搜尋資訊

Yangtze River

「Yangtze River」文章包含有:「10KeyYangtzeRiverFacts」、「File:ThreeGorgesDam,YangtzeRiver」、「TheThreeGorgesDamOnTheYangtzeRiverChina」、「TheYangtze-Asia'slongestriver」、「Yangtze」、「YangtzeRiver|Location,Map,Flood」、「YangtzeRiver|Places」、「長江」

yangtze river中文Yangtze RiverYangtze Power長江地圖長江Zhujiang New TownJiangmenXi River揚子江快運長江位置長江實業yangtze river發音Pearl River EstuaryYellow river map長江集團
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10 Key Yangtze River Facts
10 Key Yangtze River Facts


Yangtze River is as long as 6,397 km (3,975 miles). It is the longest river in Asia and the third longest river in the world, just after the Nile in Africa ...

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File:Three Gorges Dam, Yangtze River
File:Three Gorges Dam, Yangtze River


English: The Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River, China. 日期, 2009年9月20日. 來源, https://www.flickr.com/photos/44048265@N00/3979877454/.

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The Three Gorges Dam On The Yangtze River China
The Three Gorges Dam On The Yangtze River China


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The Yangtze - Asia's longest river
The Yangtze - Asia's longest river


The Yangtze River flows for 6,300km, more than halfway across China. Its river basin is around 1.8 million sq km – almost a fifth of China's land area.

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The Yangtze or Yangzi is the longest river in Eurasia, the third-longest in the world, and the longest in the world to flow entirely within one country.

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Yangtze River | Location, Map, Flood
Yangtze River | Location, Map, Flood


Yangtze River (Chang Jiang), longest river in both China and Asia and third longest river in the world, with a length of 3915 miles (6300 ...

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Yangtze River | Places
Yangtze River | Places


China's Yangtze River is the world's third longest river. It runs for 3,900 miles from the Tibetan Plateau to the estuary of the East China Sea near ...

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國際上長江嘅通用名係「揚子江」(英文:Yangtze River),而喺漢字文化圈入面習慣嗌「長江」。「揚子江」呢個名其實係長江最下游個別名,係指從南京到長江口嗰段,呢 ...